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Kamis, 13 Januari 2011

Beginning of Positive Thinking Success!

DR William James, Father of American psychology, said cans We alter our lives by altering our altitudes (Humans can change the attitude and way of thinking). People who are accustomed to think positive always find smart solutions. For a positive mind can work in a simple, looking for ideas and all possibilities to succeed. 

Here are 10 positive attitude in times of hardship, where the steps are an effort to address the failures or problems that we face. Rest assured that behind the difficulty of the struggle towards positive things that a silver lining. The following lessons can be drawn:

Positive is an option 

In life there is success, there is happiness and sorrows, and there are success-failure. This is a natural law. But whatever happened to us at this time, the effect of what we have chosen and done in the past. Likewise positive attitude is a choice and not necessarily a legacy that can be owned by any person without due process of reflection and effort. Remember that you will become what you think. 

 sure to reach

Confidence is the foundation. Confidence will bear double the strength to perform concrete actions as a manifestation of a long process of success. When we have a dream, then we create a plan and finally we perform an action. But it would not maximized if not accompanied by confidence in a success. 

Change is inevitable 

A Greek philosopher said that nothing is eternal in this world. Everything changed and will always change. Can be concluded that the change itself that eternal. Could not negotiable. If the science that we have is that it is only then we own that will be crushed and eventually unable to compete with those who are always creative and innovative. Therefore, start the change to be the best. 

Failure is not the same as losing 

Failure is not the end of everything even though he feels uncomfortable, painful, bitter and ashamed. Ask the successful people, if they ever fail in fighting for what they want in life? Of course the answer is never. They must learn from failure, error analyze understand and what had made him fail. From there they find a way to fix the mistake and try to find a more effective formula for achieving success. 


Learn to always be thankful for is it wise. Was always grateful when we are tired and exhausted because it was a sign we have made a difference. When we decline, we should be able to reflect. With a mirror we will know where our advantages and disadvantages. But we should also focus on our strengths, so we are optimistic and immediately rise from adversity. 

Relax in thinking 

Relaxed, calm, and think are the characteristics of people who work hard with bright, full of strategy and on target. Start with small steps without forgetting the main goal. 

Practice positive reaction 

In man there is a difference which is very thin. And that difference is attitude. But that difference will be large and clear when such attitudes become positive or negative. When we practice the reaction is positive then everything will be positive or negative. When we practice the reaction is positive then everything will become easier. It's when we practice the reaction is negative. So in fact we are the ones with problems. If the rice has become porridge, then the focus to look for chicken, scallions, etc.. So that presented a delicious chicken porridge and delicious. Is not it more fun? 

Nothing is impossible 

When we have peace of mind and always positive in the face of all forms of situation then there is nothing impossible. You will become what you think. No positive action was losing money, there will be wisdom at the end of time. Not the main objective, which is the main process. When we proceed with care, with a sincere heart and full of perseverance, then success will come. Success was related to the process. And processes associated with time. So rest assured that you will succeed. Because success is everyone's right.

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