Title: Flower Boy Ramyun Shop Title (romaji): Ggotminam Ramyeongage Hangul: 꽃미남 라면가게 Genre: Romance, Comedy Director: Jung Jung Hwa Screenwriter: Yoon Nan Joong Episodes: 16 |
- This romantic comedy deals with “pretty boys,” who with good looks and individuality, operate a ramen shop with lively college girls and experience the happenings of daily life.
Cha Chi Soo (Jeong Il Woo) looks cool and confident at all times. He fascinates women with his bright smile, flirtatious wink, and sincere compliments on what he finds pretty about them. Aged 18 years, he was studying abroad in New York City, but returned to Korea because he couldn't handle the constant use of English, or so he told his father. He then becomes involved in running a ramen shop with other beautiful men and a woman.
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